Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Volkl Racetiger SL |
Weather: | 0° - 6°, Sunny with Light Winds, 1" New Snow Overnight |
Runs: | 16 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Mouse Trap, Lower Chute, Highline, Upper Great Northern, Double Dipper, Spillway, Reason, East Fall, High Traverse, Cascade, Cascade Runout, Lower Great Northern, Lower High Road, Great Eastern, Skyburst, Outer Limits, Wild Fire, Bear Claw, Skylark, Superstar |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:55, skied with Tom and left at 12:30; Another spectacular day; Nobody else on the hill; TOD: Double Dipper - Groomed flat with 1-2" of fluff on top |
Monday, January 31, 2011
Day 50 - Killington
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 49 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Volkl Racetiger SL |
Weather: | 15°, Snow Accumulating to 3" |
Runs: | 20 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Middle Chute, Lower Chute, Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Double Dipper, Downdraft, High Traverse, Cascade, Cascade Runout, Launch Pad, Bittersweet, Upper Skylark, Lower High Road, Cruise Control, Gateway, Bear Trax, Upper Wildfire, Lower Skyburst, Outer Limits, Lower Skylark, MTS, Highline, Mouse Trap, Lower Bunny Buster |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied with Tom and left at 2:00; Another nice day - the new snow is keeping everything fresh; My Atomic's are too much ski to do anything less than go full bore. Later on in the morning when visability was less than ideal and the slopes started to get crowded I needed to keep things under control, but they just wouldn't slide; TOD: Highline |
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 48 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 19° - 25°, Overcast with Light Snow |
Runs: | 16 |
Trails: | Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Double Dipper, High Traverse, Cascade, Reason, Upper East Fall, Cascade Runout, Superstar, Skylark, Gateway, Bear Cub, Home Run, Downdraft |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied alone and left at 11:30; Lots of people; Vertical? 2 Snowdon Quad's @ 1100' each + 10 Canyon Quad's @ 1200' each + 3 Superstar @ 1200' each + 1 Southridge Triple @ 600' = 18,400' TOD: Lower East Fall - first run |
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 47 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 |
Weather: | 20°, Overcast |
Runs: | 14 |
Trails: | Lower Great Northern, Header, Caper, Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Double Dipper, High Traverse, Downdraft, Cascade, Cascade Runout, Upper Bunny Buster, Middle Chute, Lower Chute, Lower Bunny Buster, Highline |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone and left at 12:00; Another nice day, although a little snow would help maintain conditions as things are starting to get a little beat down. The Canyon was all groomed or recently groomed - just what the doctor ordered for my GS skis; I think I figured out the right turn 'problem' I've been having lately - I was continuing to use too much forward pressure through the bottom of the turn, if I push the ski forward just a little starting in the fall line, I start to really feel the tail of the ski and it seems to rocket out of the turn much more smoothly; TOD: Lower Bunny Buster |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 46 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 20° - 24°, Sunny with increasing winds |
Runs: | 12 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Highline, Upper Great Northern, Double Dipper, Spillway, Cascade Runout, Header, Caper, Middle Chute, Lower Bunny Buster, Superstar, Skylark, Upper Juggernaut, Skyburst, Bittersweet |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:10, skied alone and left at 12:30; Apparently Wednesday night is not a work night for the Killington Grooming Staff - lots of stuff that should have been groomed was not; Still making snow though - Lower Superstar, Upper Wildfire, and Middle Skyburst; I did Juggernaut on a 1F day - it wasn't firm or fast, but at least it was flat; TOD: Lower Bunny Buster |
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 45 - Windham
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 20° - 28°, Overcast |
Runs: | 20 |
Trails: | Just about everthing. |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:15, left at 3:30; Chris, Jon, Maria, and Jordan drove from PA and I drove from VT; We did some exceptionally fast runs on some of their grommers - Chris' GPS tracking app recorded 80+ and 69+ mph. We were going fast, but 80?; Once again I see how K is spoiling me - the hill was in good enough shape that we had a great time, but the amount of snow, the texture of the snow, and the variety of terrain just weren't up to K standards; TOD: Upper Wolverine |
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 44 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 14° - 18°, Light Snow - 1" Overnight |
Runs: | 12 |
Trails: | Lower Great Northern, Header, Caper, Blue Heaven, Launch Pad, Superstar, Ovation, Downdraft - including the headwall, Spillway, Cascade Runout, Upper Cascade - including the headwall |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone and left at 12:00; Another nice day, the mountain's still in great shape; I'm not sure if it's fatigue or what, but now I don't have the confidence right now to dive in and arc out a high speed turn if i can't see; They groomed Ovation and Downdraft, so I did 4 O's and 2 D's; TOD: Super 7 Ovation |
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 43 - Killington
Skis: | Rossignol 9S |
Weather: | -11° to -3°, Sunny and Calm |
Runs: | 10 |
Trails: | Frolic, Patsy's, Caper, Upper Bunny Buster, Highline, Low Rider, Lower Great Northern, Lower Chute, Downdraft Headwall, Catwalk, Upper Great Northern, East Fall, Spillway, Cascade Runout, Superstar, Skylark, Ovation |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied with Tom and left at 12:15; Nobody, I mean nobody on the hill today - as we we're loading for our third ride up the Snowdon Quad, the lift attendant told us he had loaded only one other person; Everytime I ski the 9S's I just love them; Spectacular day - Patsy's, excellent cover and soft snow; TOD: Superstar - buffed to perfection! |
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 42 - Killington
Skis: | Volkl Racetiger SL |
Weather: | 3 - 8°, Sunny, Light Winds |
Runs: | 13 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Superstar, Skylark, Great Eastern, Southridge Link, Bear Trax, Bear Cub, Upper Pipedream, Breakaway, OL Express, Outer Limits, Upper Skyburst, Lower Wildfire, Lower Ovation |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied with Tom and left at 11:45; The mountain is still in excellent shape, everything we skied was nice whether groomed or not; Saw some herb slide literally half way down OL today, it was groomed flat but it wasn't necessarily 3F; TOD: Skylark |
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 41 - Killington
Skis: | K2 Apache Xplorer |
Weather: | 3 - 8°, Sunny, 6" New Snow Overnight |
Runs: | 10 |
Trails: | Northestar, Caper, Lower Great Northern, Lower Chute, Low Rider, The Woods Below Lower Great Northern between Caper and Lower Chute, Patsy's, Squeeze Play, MTS, Middle Great Northern, Conclusion, Killink, Racer's Edge, The Throne, Low Traverse, Catwalk, Big Dipper Glade, Upper Mouse Run, Highline |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied alone and left at 11:30; Another spectacular day - first tracks on Northstar, in Low Rider, and in Patsy's; No lift lines, but after 9:00 lots of people on the hill and in the lodge; Although there's lots of snow in the woods, I think I chewed up my skis pretty good; I'm not sure what was up, but I fell like four or five times today; I skied somewhere today that I've never been before - skier's left in Big Dipper Glade, there's an escape chute that goes back to Great Northern. Just before it exits onto Great Northern, I turned right and ended up in a narrow, exteremely steep chute that ends up on Lower East Fall just below the 'pinch-in' - I didn't really ski it, I ended up side-slipping most of it; TOD: Patsy's |
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 40 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic GS 11 #1 |
Weather: | 13°, Mostly Cloudy and Windy |
Runs: | 15 |
Trails: | Lower Great Northern, Header, Caper, Lower Chute, Upper Bunny Buster, Highline, Cascade Headwall, Upper Great Northern, Double Dipper, Cascade Runout, Superstar, Skylark, Lower Bittersweet, Downdraft Headwall, Catwalk, Lower East Fall, Rime, Reason, Lower East Fall |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone and left at 12:00; Excellent day - wall to wall soft courderoy; Ramshead, Snowdown, Killington Peak and Skye Peak were deserted - I guess everyone was over at Bear watching the Dew Tour event; Skied into the Superstar lift line at 10:30 and who was standing there but Tad VanZoren, so we made a few runs before I went in for coffee; My GS 12's are at the shop, so I skied the GS 11's today - they're still great skis; TOD: Skylark - buffed to perfection and good light to boot |
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 39 - Killington
Skis: | Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 28°, Diminishing Overcast with Intermittent Light Snow |
Runs: | 11 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Highline, Lower Great Northern, Downdraft Headwall, Cascade, Reason, East Fall, Downdraft, Double Dibber, High Traverse, Launch Pad, Ovation, Header, Caper |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone and left at 12:00; Another excellent day; Zero crowds; The Canyon was spectacular, just not TOD; TOD: Upper Bunny Buster - 1-2" new snow on top of perfectly groomed soft pack, overnight the snow ended as a light misting rain increasing the coheasion of the new snow, so it was like skiing on perfectly smooth snow making - nice! |

Cruisin' on Header
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 38 - Killington
Skis: | Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti and K2 Apache Xplorer |
Weather: | 17-25°, Snow accumlating to maybe 3" |
Runs: | 11 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Highline, Lower Great Northern, Chute, Mouse Trap, Killink, Double Dipper, Superstar, Skylark, Ovation, Great Bear, Caper, Northstar, Vagabond, Low Rider |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone, left at 12:15; Beautiful day, fresh snow everywhere; |
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 37 - Killington
Skis: | Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti and Atomic Race GS 12 |
Weather: | -4 to 6°, Sunny and Calm |
Runs: | 14 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Conclusion, Lower Great Northern, Upper Great Northern, Blue Heaven, Upper Pipedream, Bear Trax, Upper Bear Claw, Lower Wildfire, Devil's Fiddle, Outer Limits, Upper Dreammaker, Lower Cruise Control, Vertigo, Bittersweet, Ovation, Killink, Double Dipper, Spillway, High Traverse, Cascade, Bear Cub, Cascade Runout |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied with Tom, left at 12:15; Clear, cold, and calm; Excellent morning - lots of good snow and bumps; I felt 1,000% better than yesterday; Said, "Hi" to Kevin and Judy at coffee; TOD: Upper Dreammaker - super soft and relatively smooth bumps |
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 36 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 |
Weather: | 15°, Overcast |
Runs: | 5 |
Trails: | Swirl, Header, Caper, Upper Great Northern, Double Dipper, Spillway, Cascade Runout, Lower Great Northern |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied with Tom, had to leave at 9:00 because I was sick to my stomach; Conditions are really good, everything we skied was groomed, super soft, packed powder; TOD: |
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 35 - Pico
Skis: | Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 19°, Snowing |
Runs: | 7 |
Trails: | Fool's Gold, Forty Niner, Pike |
Comments: | On the hill from 2:30 to 4:00 |
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 34 - Killington
Skis: | K2 Apache Xplorer |
Weather: | 9-15°, Clear Except for the Orographic Cloud at the Peak, Moderate Winds, 8" New Snow |
Runs: | 10 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster Poma Line, Middle Great Northern, Lower Chute, Mouse Trap, Conclusion, Upper Bunny Buster, Highline, Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Double Dipper, Cascade Runout |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, caught first chair at Snowdon, skied alone and left at 11:15 - have to return to PA; Knee deep blower pow in the Upper Bunny Buster Poma Lift Line for my first run - outstanding! I had some trouble in the snow covered bumps on Conclusion; Took a fall in in the snow making, drifting chop of the bottom of Double Dipper; TOD: Upper Bunny Buster Poma Line |
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 33 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Volkl Racetiger SL |
Weather: | 15°, Bright Overcast with Moderate Winds |
Runs: | 15 |
Trails: | Header, Caper, Chute, Lower Great Northern, Lower High Road, Panic Button, Needle's Eye, Cruise Control, Upper Great Eastern, Lower Dreammaker, Outer Limits, Bittersweet, Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, High Traverse, Cascade, Downdraft, Cascade Runout |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied alone and left at 11:15; Ducked a rope to get from the Top of Cruise Control to Lower Dreammaker and absolutely killed my Volkls - STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! TOD: Outer Limits under the guns - absolutely beautiful |
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day 32 - Killington
Skis: | Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 15-20°, 5" New Snow Overnight - Overcast, Snow Ending, |
Runs: | 12 |
Trails: | Chute, Upper Bunny Buster, Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Downdraft, High Traverse, Cascade, Launch Pad Ovation, Skywalker, Bear Trax, Bear Cub, Mouse Run, Mouse Trap, Lower Bunny Buster, Conclusion, MTS |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, first chair, skied alone, left at 11:15; New snow always makes things nice; Coffee with Susan and Jay; Crowds were starting to build when I left; TOD: Ovation - no access from the Superstar Quad - Nivis Walk was closed, so very little traffic, nice bumps, nice snow |
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 31 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 and Volkl Racetiger SL |
Weather: | 12-17°, Intermittent Light Snow |
Runs: | 15 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Mouse Trap, Lower Chute, Killink, Rime, Lower East Fall, Reason, Upper East Fall, Spillway, High Traverse, Cascade, Cascade Runout, Lower Great Northern, Lower High Road, Vertigo, Panic Button, Needle's Eye, Cruise Control, Bittersweet, Superstar |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone, left at 12:30; Totally missed the wax today - at the top for the first run, I couldn't even carry from the Snowdon Quad to Upper Bunny Buster; I think mid-season malaise is setting in - I'm feeling old and sluggish, can't find the sweet spot, can't carve cleanly - even on the couderoy. I cranked my boots down at coffee and my skis became too grippy? TOD: Lower East Fall - skier's right |
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 30 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 |
Weather: | 19°, Bright Overcast with Increasing Winds - 2" New Snow Overnight |
Runs: | 14 |
Trails: | Swirl, Header, Caper, Lower Chute, Upper Chute, Mouse Trap, Lower Bunny Buster, Perimeter, Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Rime, High Traverse, Cascade, Cascade Runout, Superstar, Upper High Road, Lower Skylark, Gateway, The Stash, Lower Skyburst, Bear Claw, Lower Wildfire, Bittersweet |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone and left at 11:30 without a coffee break; Another nice day; I keep gashing my skis, I think 5 of the last 6 days I've done some type of significant damage to the skis I was using; TOD: Superstar Headwall |
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 29 - Killington
Skis: | Atomic Race GS 12 |
Weather: | 18-24°, Light Snow |
Runs: | 15 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Middle Chute, Lower Chute, Mouse Trap, Lower Bunny Buster, Killink, Rime, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Cascade Runout, Upper Great Northern, Cascade, Superstar, Bittersweet, Skywalker, Bear Trax, Bear Cub, Sundog, Bear View, Wildfire |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone and left at 12:00; Nice day; The light snow was starting to accumulate by the time I left; I took a quick tour over to Sunrise after coffee; TOD: Mouse Trap under the guns |
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 28 - Killington
Skis: | Volkl Racetiger SL |
Weather: | 19°, Sun and Clouds, Light Winds |
Runs: | 14 |
Trails: | Upper Bunny Buster, Mouse Trap, Lower Chute, Lower Bunny Buster, Superstar, Panic Button, Needle's Eye, Highlander, Killink, Reason, East Fall, Spillway, High Travere, Cascade, Upper Rime, Middle Great Northern |
Comments: | On the hill at 9:00, skied alone and left at 12:00; They made a really nice recovery from the recent warm weather and rain. I was expecting the hill to look really ugly today, but some good grooming combined with a tiny bit of new snow overnight and things look pretty good; Very few people on the hill today; They started making snow on Ovation top to bottom; Looks like Double Dipper and Downdraft will be last this year :( ; TOD: Bunny-Mouse-Chute - first thing. |
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 27 - Killington
Skis: | Rossignol 9S |
Weather: | 39°, Mostly Cloudy with Falling Temps |
Runs: | 8 |
Trails: | Caper, Lower Chute, Upper Chute, Mouse Trap, Lower Bunny Buster, Learn to Ski, Snowshed, Lower High Road, Panic Button, Needles Eye, Great Eastern, Upper Skylark, Superstar |
Comments: | On the hill at 1:45, skied alone till 4:00; |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 26 - Killington
Skis: | Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti |
Weather: | 49°, Mostly Cloudy |
Runs: | 15 |
Trails: | Lower Great Northern, Header, Timberline, Caper, Lower Chute, Upper Bunny Buster, Mouse Trap, Killink, Lower East Fall, Spillway, Reason, Upper East Fall, Rime, High Traverse, Cascade, Cascade Runout, Superstar, Bittersweet, Lower Bunny Buster |
Comments: | On the hill at 8:00, skied with Tom till 11:30; Very nice day - if it were April; TOD: Superstar |
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