
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 5 - Killington

Skis:K2 Apache Xplorer
Weather:25°, Overcast
Trails:Upper Bunny Buster, Mouse Trap, Lower Chute, Lower Bunny Buster, Upper Great Northern, Upper East Fall, Lower East Fall, Upper Double Dipper, Lower Rime, Upper Rime, Spillway, Upper Chute Middle Chute, Middle Great Northern, Lower Northern
Comments: On the hill at 8:00, skied till 12:00; Some good snow despite all the rain this week; Suprisingly crowded; Met Susan and Jay at coffee and made a few runs with them before they bailed; I skied at a significantly reduced effort level today - last week's skiing make my hip hurt this week in a way I'm not sure is too good - I tooled around at about 33% today - I plan on continuing this for at least a month or so, then we'll see where I'm at; TOD: Mouse Trap under the guns first thing

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