It was a good morning; Conditions are holding up pretty well; By the time I left there were small to medium piles of granular on a firm base; the only thin spot on Rime is the flat spot just below Great Norhern - wierd, because flat spots are usually easier to cover than anything with a pitch; Skied my K2 Apache Xplorers again today; I'm still searching for some consistency in my skiiing - I had a couple of runs today that felt OK, but generally I'm still lost; It never ceases to amaze me how poorly some people maintain their equipment. Walking up the stairs today I stopped to rest at Upper Catwalk. There were two other guys already there. I had seen both of them on the hill and would have catagorized them as die-hards, i.e. competent regulars. When I stepped off the stairs I was right next to their skis and noticed how dull and rust-pitted the edges of their skis were. As I looked the gleeming and polished razor edges on my skis, I remembered how last night I was thinking I needed to take them to Peak Performance to get a good edge tune because they looked so rough - different strokes for different folks.

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