
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 64 - Killington

Sandwiched GS training on Upper Bunny with forerunning for the kids on Needle's Eye. Forerunning was fun. Conditions for the first run were very good, but side slipping for the second run freaked me out a little bit. Conditions seemed extremely icy. But when I ran the course, I didn't slide near as much as I anticipated. GS Training on Bunny today was productive. Bob S. had us doing a cross-over drill that worked very well for me. Immediately at or after the gate we were to increase the edge angle by moving our knees more to the inside of the old turn while moving body over our line of travel toward the next gate. I found that it really defined the finish of one turn and the start of the next; and helped guide the skis into the next turn quickly, smoothly, and most importantly - on line.

1 comment :

  1. Hey buddy - caught you on your run down Needles; Jay and I were headed up the skyship.

    Course looked tough - first time we had seen this type of run on Needles.
